Things I Recently Learned
These are short posts I wrote about things I was learning about software development, written as I learned them. These posts tend to be short, and not overly edited.
I write them because they make it easier to share what I've learned with others, on the chance that someone else doesn't know the thing yet, either, and also because writing things down helps cement what I've learned in my mind. When that cementing doesn't hold, sometimes I find myself wanting to look back at something I wrote about previously, so this is also in some ways a repository of notes-to-self about making software.
I was inspired to start this project by Josh Branchaud.
Here's my Static Site Generator Cheat Sheet/FAQ
- Using Pronto for CI on a Rails project without cluttery comments
- Rails controller params can be accessed by string or symbol (with indifferent access!)
- CSV.generate behavior change in Ruby 3 vs Ruby 2.7
- Manual change tracking in Ruby on Rails
- Adding stack traces to versions stored by the Papertrail Ruby gem
- Debugging strategies using binding.pry in Rails
- Verbose Active Record query logs for Rails
- Making Rails recognize code in subfolders of default folders
- Getting all the records of a model created today in Rails
- What's this tilde arrow thing in my Gemfile?
- Deep dive into img attributes
- Using Nunjucks shortcodes in Markdown files in Eleventy
- npx eleventy !== npx @11ty/eleventy
- The Ruby splat operator can destructure arrays
- I'm reading: 'A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior'
- How to make your Javascript class instance have all the properties of some other object
- Using the beforeBuild hook to render Sass in Eleventy
- Continuous Integration: another definition
- Settings I want on a new machine
- How to open the current directory in finder from terminal on a mac
See also a list of all the TIL tags, or maybe all the TIL posts.