TIL Archive
All of my Today I Learned posts, on one handy page.
Some day these will have pagination; for now, enjoy ctrl+f-ing that was as easy for me as it is for you.
- Using Pronto for CI on a Rails project without cluttery comments
- Rails controller params can be accessed by string or symbol (with indifferent access!)
- CSV.generate behavior change in Ruby 3 vs Ruby 2.7
- Manual change tracking in Ruby on Rails
- Adding stack traces to versions stored by the Papertrail Ruby gem
- Debugging strategies using binding.pry in Rails
- Verbose Active Record query logs for Rails
- Making Rails recognize code in subfolders of default folders
- Getting all the records of a model created today in Rails
- What's this tilde arrow thing in my Gemfile?
- Deep dive into img attributes
- Using Nunjucks shortcodes in Markdown files in Eleventy
- npx eleventy !== npx @11ty/eleventy
- The Ruby splat operator can destructure arrays
- I'm reading: 'A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior'
- How to make your Javascript class instance have all the properties of some other object
- Using the beforeBuild hook to render Sass in Eleventy
- Continuous Integration: another definition
- Settings I want on a new machine
- How to open the current directory in finder from terminal on a mac
- How to make asdf recognize globally installed npm modules
- What is that percent sign doing in my `cat` output?
- Asdf is a version manager promising to replace all the version managers
- How can I see my new blog post rendered before I deploy, if I don't have my whole dev environment?
- Adjusting site colors for better contrast
- Starting to pick up Ruby & Rails
- Firefox Container Gotchas
- Firefox Responsive Design Mode and Hover Events
- Setting a layout for every page generated from a particular folder in Eleventy
- Why do some tweets not respect my minimum font size?
- Watching 'What the heck is the event loop, anyways?'
- Sharing Styles in Styled Components
- Make your twitter cards look nicer
- Delete all local branches that have been deleted from a remote
- Chrome has its own Task Manager
- Using <aside>
- Referencing an .env value in an NPM script
- Testing Modern React with Enzyme Shallow
- Deep-diving the CSS Cascade
- Flash of Invisible Text
- Elements with overflow: scroll become focusable
- CSS properties that create an implicit stacking context
- Accessibility Insights runs a subset of rules from Axe
- Teaching Accessibility
- Mocking a React Component with Sinon
- Learning about styled components
- Learnings from Strange Loop
- I read: "Meet Border-box, my best friend."
- Assorted Readings
- Voiceover with Safari & List Semantics
- Notes from "Rethinking Color and Contrast"
- Today I Discovered React Axe
- Notes & Tweets from NE JS Conf
- Designing Against Domestic Violence
- Does <details> work with Assistive Technology?
- Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen
- My first look at Bulma for CSS
- The effects of Neuro and Muscular Disabilities with Dr. Neil Matthiessen
- "From Puzzles to Products" by Jessica Kerr
- Readings on Accessibility
- Disruptive Design: Harmful Patterns and Bad Practice
- More People Set Custom Font Sizes than Use Internet Explorer
- Impact of Accessibility on Link vs Button in HTML
- Getting your Glitch Project Domain in Your Code
- Using process.env variables in Eleventy
- The HTML Element Specification and Accessibility
- 'Making Badass Developers' by Kathy Sierra
- A perfect Lighthouse Score on a perfectly inaccessible website
- Navigating Anger & Sadness in the Workplace
- Meeting Facilitation for Remote Workers
- Why do remote meetings suck?
- Using Live Expressions in Chrome to Track the Focused Element
- Is this feature toggle on?
- Developer Tools & Inclusion
- React Material UI Thoughts
- Firefox Page Ruler
- Book of Shaders
- Itemscope Attribute in HTML
- Valid Children of `<html>`
- React Component Design Patterns
- When to use useReducer in React
- Alt Text on Stock Photos
- useEffect in React
- Accessibility on the Million Most Popular Sites
- The Glitch Logo Changes Color
- Shadow Power
- Class vs Function Components
- Learning to Learn
- Speed in Function Components
- Iconfinder
- How Screenreaders Use Semantics
- Accessibility is not a React Problem
- What is Math?
- Babel options & require vs import
- Manuscript filtering
- How Error Handling Works in Browsers
- React as a UI Runtime
- Parcel Doesn't Support CSS Modules Without Config
- Converting a Javascript Project to Typescript for Beginners
- Check Build Configuration When the Wrong Project is Building in Visual Studio
- Xamarin Forms Reading
- Custom ContentView Renderer in Xamarin Forms iOS
- Converting to target netstandard14 in addtion to netFramework461
- Xamarin Netstandard Blog Draft
- Xamarin Android RelativeLayout Designer
- Convert Xamarin PCL Template to use NET Standard
- Soft Delete with EntityFramework Dynamic Filters
- Async Unit Tests in C#
- Xamarin Android List Adapter