Tagged “code”
- Static Site Generator Cheat Sheet & FAQ code tech-resources
- Settings in My Shell Profile that Just Make Sense tech-resources code
- Dev Snippets & Keyboard Shortcuts tech-resources code resources
- Frontmatter Templates for New Blog Posts code eleventy
- Resources To Start a Blog resources tools code tech-resources
- Adding Decap CMS to 11ty code eleventy
- Ruby on Rails Model Association Reminders rails code
- 2023 in Software Tools reflection year-in-review tools code
- Fetching & caching data from Airtable in my 11ty site code eleventy
- Using Sanity CMS to host an image gallery for an existing 11ty site eleventy code
- Just Enough JavaScript for Eleventy eleventy code
- Dynamically choosing a data file to use in Eleventy templates eleventy code
- Converting a simple HTML site to use Eleventy eleventy code
- Getting your bearings in an existing Eleventy project eleventy code
- Making a tweet roundup coronavirus code
- Glitch App to Glitch Project Extension code glitch
- #SheCoded on Dev.to code current-events
- Screenreader Practice code accessibility glitch
- Accessibility Testing/Coding Resources code accessibility resources
- Useful Textbooks from a Computer Science Degree code code for non-coders education books recommendations resources
- Theme Generators for Android code
- Internal Tools are the Worst code
- Startup Weekend Nebraska: Serious about being safe & inclusive business code education relationships
- Multiagent Systems - The most interesting field you've never heard of code education
- Pretty Scroll Animations - How do they do that? code code for non-coders
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