In Eleventy (the static site builder used to create this site), you can access Node environment variables (process.env.MY_VARIABLE) in your templates. Neat! But how?

# How to set up the variables for use in templates

The Eleventy docs provide a code snippet to use:

module.exports = {
myVariable: process.env.MY_VARIABLE

One thing you might overlook is the filename - this doesn't go in your .eleventy.js file, but in the special _data/ folder at a Javascript file named of your choosing. I chose to call mine _data/processEnv.js.

# How to access your variable in a template

Once you have an object exported from a Javascript file in _data, that object is available in your templates as filename.variablename. So in my Liquid (markdown) templates, I write: {{ processEnv.myVariable }} to display the value stored at process.env.MY_VARIABLE.